News • Politics • Spirituality/Belief
Stand Up Michigan is an organic grassroots movement of We the People.
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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu releases video comparing pro-Hamas university protests to 1930s Nazi Germany. We need to Stand Up, Speak Up and be counted. stop the anti semitizm now!
This is happening now and your tax dollars are paying for it.
Bidonomics reminder before we witness all the lies told by Biden and amplified by the complicit main stream media tonight.
June 25, 2020
A Mothers Perspective on the School Covid Policies | The Lantern Podcast 006 with Rachel Atwood

Episode 6 of the Lantern Podcast.
Rachel Atwood is a stay at home mom from Grand Rapids, MI who works on the side for Premier Jewelry.

A Mothers Perspective on the School Covid Policies | The Lantern Podcast #006 with Rachel Atwood
June 17, 2020
Why Shannon Bagley is Running For Kalamazoo County Sheriff | The Lantern Podcast 005
Why Shannon Bagley is Running For Kalamazoo County Sheriff | The Lantern Podcast #005
Page Censoring

As we get more & more members to our page, we would like to remind everyone, we are fairly censor-free. You are allowed to post almost whatever you’d like to share. It doesn’t matter if it’s backed by facts or not.
What we don’t want to see is someone posting racial slurs, excessive swearing, nudity, criticizing members, trashing of SUM or it’s leaders. A healthy debate is just fine.
Thank you & God Bless you!

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